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Devices tested to work with Echo Speaks TTS

Official Amazon Devices
Echo Show (Gen 1, 2)
Echo Show 5
Echo Show 8
Echo Studio (Coming Soon)
Echo Buds (Coming Soon)
Echo Dot (Gen 1, 2, 3, 4)
Echo (Gen 1, 2, 3, 4)
Echo Plus (Gen 1, 2)
Echo Spot
Echo Input
Echo Auto (Partial Success)
Echo Tap
Fire TV (Gen 1, 2, 3) (Need more Data)
Fire TV Stick (Gen 1, 2, 3) (Need more Data)
Fire TV Cube
Kindle Fire Tablets (HD Fire Models) (Need more Data)
Other Devices with Alexa
Ecobee 4
One-Link Safe and Sound
Alexa App for Windows 10
Fabriq Chorus and Riff
Logitech Blase
Vobot Bunny
Lenovo SmartTab


There are a lot of devices out there that have Alexa integrated which may or may not display in the Echo Speaks app.
I am attempting to make a better solution to help identify supported devices.
In the mean time I will update this list as often as I can.

Was your Alexa Device Incorrectly Identified?

Provide the following info in the issue:
DeviceType Id (eg. A38949IHXHRQ5P)
Model Name/Descript of the device: (eg. Echo Show Spot)
Generation/version of the device

Last update: 2021-03-22